
After more than 4 years working at the same (amazing) place and, with the help of my teammates, learning a lot about this beautiful world we call “web development”, I was finally wondering about my day-by-day workflow. Despite the fact that I was feeling really productive and happy with my own work it still seemed too comfortable, I mean, I had this feeling that it was about time to search for something new, for some new challenges, for something out of my comfort zone. They say that there is no learning in the comfort zone and there is no comfort in the learning zone, it was time to move to the last one. Read more →


I have a dream. I dream that one day I will finish my graduation and then naturally enter and finish a master’s degree.

As far as I can remember, it was Martin Luther King who said that, or was it a bit different? Anyway, that was my dream. Read more →


Sempre acreditei que pirataria se combate com preços justos/baixos e comodidade, e está aí o sucesso do Steam que não me deixa mentir, ter uma plataforma user-friendly, com comodidade de pagamento rápido e entrega na velocidade de um download para comprar seus jogos/músicas/filmes/livros é muito mais sedutor e atraente que buscar torrent, keygen e afins para piratear Read more →

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